EACTA ICU – Intensive care Unit committee

To promote cardiothoracic intensive care within EACTA and beyond.

Philippe Gaudard - France
E-mail: p-gaudard[at]chu-montpellier.fr

Committee members:

Delegate to the Scientific Committee (
incl. abstract reviewing)
Martin Bernardi - Austria
E-mail: martin.bernardi[at]meduniwien.ac.at

Delegate to the Programme Committee
Isabelle Michaux - Belgium
E-mail: isabelle.michaux[at]rean.ucl.ac.be

Delegate to the Education Committee
Alberto Hernandez - Spain
E-mail: albimar23[at]yahoo.es

Further members

Irene Rovira - Spain
E-mail: irovira[at]clinic.ub.es; irovira[at]ub.es

Michael Sander - Germany
E-mail: michael.sander[at]chiru.med.uni-giessen.de

Peter Rosseel - The Netherlands
E-mail: petermjrosseel[at]gmail.com

Kiran Salaunkey - United Kingdom
E-mail: kiran.salaunkey[at]nhs.net

Daniela Pasero - Italy
E-mail: danielacristina.pasero[at]gmail.com

Ben O'Brien - United Kingdom
E-mail: ben.obrien[at]bartshealth.nhs.uk

Karol Krawczyk - Poland
E-mail: krakarol[at]gmail.com

Priya Menon  - Germany
E-mail: drpriyamenon[at]gmail.com

Ahmed Zaher - Egypt
E-mail: dramzaher[at]gmail.com

Matthias Wolf - Germany
E-mail: matthias.wolff[at]chiru.med.uni-giessen.de

Maurice Hogan - United Arab Emirates
E-mail: mauricehogan[at]yahoo.com

Current work: It will support any member willing to embark on research, and support projects started by its members.

The group offers a forum for discussion related to the practice of cardiothoracic intensive care (join us on EACTA ICU Committee on Facebook). The group will contribute to the development of the programme of the EACTA Annual Congress, ensure that topics are of interest to its members.

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