Abstract Submission

Abstract submission is now closed.

 Abstract submission deadline: Wednesday, 30 November, 2016
Abstract notifications: Tuesday, 10 January 2017


  • Abstracts must be written in English. Use British spelling, e.g. anaesthesia, oesophagus, crystalloid. However, you can easily eliminate many typing errors and misspelling by using the spell- check feature of your word processing software.
  • The title field must only include the title of your abstract. The maximum characters allowed including spacing is 100 characters or 20 words.
  • The maximum length for the abstract body is 2800 characters (including spaces, one figure or one table) or 450 words.
  • The text of abstracts must include the sections:

      Abstract Categories
      01 - Anaesthesia Techniques
      02 - Intensive Care Medicine
      03 - Cardiac Anaesthesia
      04 - Cardiopulmonary Bypass
      05 - Thoracic Anaesthesia & Surgery
      06 - Vascular Anaesthesia & Surgery
      07 - Transplantation
      08 - Postoperative Care
      09 - Organ Function & Protection
      10 - Myocardial Protection
      11 - Haemostasis
      12 - Drugs & Fluids
      13 - Evaluation of Methods & Techniques
      14 - Monitoring
      15 - Echocardiography
      16 - Risk Factors & Outcome
      17 - Quality Management
      18 – Other

  • The preferred font is Arial with a size no smaller than 11 point (9cpi). Note that the accepted abstracts will be reduced to approximately 80 % of the original size when they are printed. Smaller size will result in unreadable text.
  • Use the SI-system for all units of measurement (e.g. ml, kg, kPa) with the exception of mmHg for blood pressures. With two items or more, negative exponents should be used, e.g. ml min-1.
  • The use of abbreviations should be minimized, and they must be defined the first time they are used.
  • One figure or one table within the borders of the abstract is allowed. Figure and tables should be aligned with the text. Text in the figures or tables will also be reduced to 80%. Be sure that all text in the figure or table is readable. Ensure that lines on figures are thick enough to bear reduction for printing. All figures must be in black-and-white.
  • You may use one but not more than three relevant references, numbered in brackets in order of appearance in the text and listed at the end of the text. They should have the following sequence: author(s), title, journal (as abbreviated in Index Medicus), year, volume and pages. For example: Latimer RD. Inhaled nitric oxide in the management of pulmonary hypertension after mitral valve surgery. Br J Anaesth 1994; 72: 185-9.
  • Key Words are not needed.


Abstract Evaluation Criteria
Each abstract will be assessed by at least three reviewers, according to the following scoring grid:

  • Scientific relevance
  • Methodology
  • Clear language - poor English will be sent out for revision


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