NEWSLETTER - July 2015
Dear EACTA members,
dear colleagues and friends,

30th EACTA Annual Congress, Gothenburg

The EACTA Annual Congress in Gothenburg was a great success with a total attendance of 490 delegates / speakers and 17 companies exhibiting their services and products.

If you want to download your confirmation of attendance please log in to your vEACTA area on www.eacta.org
EACTA ECHO Course, September 12-15, 2015 - World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands.

Besides the traditional basic, advanced and certification course, the EACTA Echo will feature a NEW Hands-on Course in Critical Care and Non-Cardiac Anaesthesia, Transthoracic Echocardiography, Lung Ultrasound and Vascular Access. This 2 days hands-on course includes online pre-learning and practical training onsite with 1 expert instructor for max. 5 students.The aim of the current program for EACTA Echo is to offer a platform where participants can find knowledge suited to their needs in learning echocardiography.

To this end, a basic, advanced and certification course will combine lectures, interactive case-discussions, workshops and quizzes structured to their level of experience.

Register Here
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31th EACTA Annual Congress, Basel, Switzerland – May 11-13, 2016

The next Annual Congress will be held in Basel, Switzerland, the local hosts being Manfred Seeberger and Jens Fassl.

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EACTA endorsed events

  • 3. Anhalter Herz-Kreislauf-Tag mit 6. Coswiger Pflegetag
  • ESA Focus Meeting on Perioperative Medicine (co-organised by EACTA)
  • 18th Capital Congress of Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy (HAI)

For more information please refer to EACTA’s calendar of events.
Are you interested in having your event endorsed by EACTA? For more information on EACTA endorsements please click here.

EACTA_Logo_RZ_4C  European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiologists (EACTA)
c/o vereint: Association & Conference Management Ltd.
Hollandstrasse 14
1020 Vienna, Austria
Tel : +43-1-533 35 42
Fax: +43-1-533 35 42 - 19
URL: www.eacta.org

EACTA ECHO 2015 - The Hague: September 12-15, 2015

EACTA Annual Congress – Basel: May 11-13, 2016

Green Meetings
vereint Ltd. is licensee of the Austrian Eco-label for “Green Meetings and Green Events“
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