The doctor in a troubled world

OSellevold Olav FM Sellevold MD, PhD
Editor EACTA News.

The autumn 2001 gave a bad omen for peace loving humans all over the world. As doctors, our priorities are challenged. Colleagues are thrown into conflicts where their loyalty has been tested: patients or government, nationality or human suffering. We saw the unbelievable tragedy and loss of innocent lives in New York. We saw colleagues trying to help and comfort. Sympathy came from of all the world. On the other side came the poorest of the poorest under bombardment when the richest nations in the world were determined to punish and eliminate their enemies.

In this troubled world priorities should be challenged. But my patients are at my hospital and we know that we can help them to better lives. Our show must also go on. We cannot let us be overwhelmed by terror and despair. A contribution to peace and stability is also to continue to do our job as best as we can. We focus on quality of care, efficiency of work and scientific progress. My job is caring for my patients. We cannot and shall not shut out the world. Help and support is needed right at our doorstep. There is a call for engagement of the dedicated doctor.

I wish you all a good and engaged new year.