The Association has subspecialty committees that represent the main domains of interest for EACTA members (previously called subcommittees). There are 9 committees as listed below, but definition and numbers can evolve with changes in domain of interest of EACTA members.
The committees contribute to the scientific programme of the Annual Meetings, and may propose educational and research programmes, guidelines, recommendations, surveys or collaborations.
Membership in these committees is open to all EACTA members. (Find a list of all Subspecialty Committees in your vEACTA Area after being logged in)
The terms of reference defining purposes and activities of the committee are edited by its members and approved by the RC on recommendation of the BoD.
Each committee will be chaired for a three-year term of office, by an EACTA member. The office is renewable for one additional, consecutive term of three-years. Chairpersons will be proposed by the members of the committee on the basis of the candidates’ well-known involvement in the field of the committee, and appointed by the BoD. The chairperson will be responsible for communication with the BoD.
Suggestions, questions or any requests from the committees will be addressed at each BoD meeting.
Chairpersons will provide the BoD and RC with an annual written report of the committee's activities over the previous year which is to be submitted one-month before the BoD Meeting held at the time of the Annual Meeting. The chairperson will be supported by 3 committee board members who are elected by the committee members.