New Directory Board 2001-2004

July 2001

The Representative Council meeting in Weimar was mostly dedicated the new structure of EACTA. A structure, which will secure the continuous development of our association. At the meeting a new Directory Board for the period 2001-2004 was elected.


Rob Feneck from St. Thomas Hospital in London was elected President. Rob has served as vice-president the last 3 years and has worked very hard to secure our association and especially our assets so EACTA in the future can work as a charity educational association. Rob will continue as Treasurer till this work is completed.


Carl-Johan Jakobsen from Skejby Sygehus in Aarhus, Denmark was elected vice-president. Carl-Johan was the organiser of the Aarhus meeting in 2000 and has put a lot of efforts in the reconstruction of the EACTA. Carl-Johan has work closely with the Web designer in producing the new website and will for a period also work as the Webmaster.

Scientific Secretary

Jouko Jalonen from Turku University Hospital in Finland was elected Scientific Secretary. Jouko has worked 2 terms in the Directory Board as Honorary Secretary and has work intensively with the new structure and has been the primary workforce in the new bylaws.

Membership Secretary

Marco Ranucci from San Donato Hospital in Milan was elected Membership Secretary. Marco has served in the Representative Council for some time and has work hard to increase the number of it alien members in EACTA. Marco will continue this effort in all parts of Europe.

Honorary Secretary

William Blunnie from Mater Misercordiae Hospital in Dublin, Ireland was elected Honorary Secretary. Besides this task Bill is the organiser of EACTA 2002. Bill has positions and connections in several European Societies, which EACTA surely will benefit from.


Edith R Schmid from University Hospital in Zurich, Switzerland is the new Past-president and responsible for Foreign Affairs. Edith's long time hard work speaks for itself. Edith has put a lot of effort in the different aspects of anaesthetic education and especially during her term as president worked hard to change our structure to serve the members in the most positive way.

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