The on-line registration is now closed. You are welcome to register on-site at the Congress.
Registration fees in EURO |
Early fee until 14.03.2016 |
Normal fee until 18.04.2016 |
Late fee from 19.04.2016 |
Annual Congress (Member) | 575,- | 675,- | 725,- |
Annual Congress (Non Member) | 675,- | 775,- | 825,- |
Annual Congress (EACTA Officer) | 375,- | 425,- | 475,- |
Annual Congress (Trainee/Perfusionist) 2 | 325,- | 375,- | 425,- |
Workshops and Crash Course 3 | 50,- | 50,- | 50,- |
Accompanying Person* | 90,- | 90,- | 90,- |
* Accompanying Person fee does not give access to the Scientific Programme.
2) Anaesthesiologists in training are required to send a copy of their degree certificate to EACTA
3) Can only be purchased as an add-on to the registration to the Annual Congress, please note that there is limited number of participants to the workshops/courses.
Delegate Registration includes
Payments can be made by:
1. Credit Card:
American Express, Diners Club, Euro Card, Master Card, and VISA are accepted.
2. Bank Transfer to:
Account no.: 3001 3001 909 304
IBAN # DK50 3000 3001 909 304
Swift Address: DABADKKK
Holmens Kanal 2
DK-1090 Copenhagen K
Danish participants can deposit the amount in Danish kroner into bank account no: 3001 4001 154 656 in Danske Bank.
Please remember to add bank charges, as the recipient will not pay those.
Please state your name, ID number, address and “EACTA” on all payments and transfer documents.
Registration Cancellation & Refund Policy
Notification of cancellation must be made in writing and mailed to ICS - International Conference Services A/S and with a reference to a bank account, incl. the SWIFT Code and IBAN (International Bank Account Number), where a possible refund may be remitted to. An administration fee will be charged depending on the date the cancellation is received by ICS.
Before 15 March 2016: 50 % refund of the fees paid
After 15 March 2016: No refunds will be possible
A handling fee of € 30 per registration will be charged for every registration modification received after 15 March 2016.
Refunds are not made for unattended events, late arrivals or early departure. All refunds will be processed after the Congress.
Visa and Official Letter of Invitation
Visa regulations depend on your nationality and country of origin. We suggest you contact your local Swiss Embassy or Consulate for instructions on visa regulations and application procedures. The participant is responsible for obtaining a visa if necessary. A valid passport is required for traveling to Switzerland.
Official letters of invitation can be requested by sending an email to . Please note that the letter of invitation will not be send before the participant have registered and paid the registration fee.