Opportunity for Trainees:

The trainees interested in acquiring technical skills in the assessment, interpretation of diagnostic tests, monitoring, and care of patients undergoing open and interventional vascular procedures could join the EACTA Exchange Training Observership Programme in Vascular Anaesthesia. 

For the details of the EACTA Exchange Training Observership Programme in Vascular Anaesthesia, including

  1. Learning Objectives
  2. Essential and learning outcomes
  3. Duration
  4. Requirements
  5. Financial Resources
  6. Resources
  7. Academic education patient care
  8. Competency areas
  9. Evaluation of trainees

Please click here.


The EACTA’s Exchange Training Programme in Vascular Anaesthesia is currently offered at:

Host centre Training period Available posts per annum Programme director Contact
Hospital Clínic de Barcelona (Spain) 2-4
6 Purificación Matute Jiménez +34 932 275558


Do you want to apply? Please, fill this form and send it back. Click here to download the form in PDF or Word.

For centres, interested in hosting the programme:

Do you have critical care units with a high volume of vascular cases per week to host the programme? If yes, please complete the application form here.

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