Congress Committee

The EACTA Congress Committee is composed of the programme and the abstract committee and is supervised by the Chair of the Annual Congress.

EACTA Programme Committee
The Programme Committee is composed of one delegate from each of the eight Subspecialty Committees and is responsible for ensuring the input from the Subspecialty Committees to the programme of the EACTA Annual Congress.

EACTA Abstract Committee
The Abstract Committee is composed of 24 members, out of which eight are delegated from the Subspecialty Committee. Additional abstract committee members are appointed due to the increasing number of abstracts submitted for the EACTA Annual Congress.


Gianluca Paternoster
Division of Cardiac Resuscitation,
Cardiovascular Anesthesia and Intensive Care
San Carlo Hospital (Potenza) Italy
Via Potito Petrone
85100 Potenza (Pz), Italy


Members of the Programme Committee:

Jens Fassl - Switzerland
ECHO Subspecialty Committee

Christian von Heymann - Germany
Haemostasis and Transfusion Subspecialty Committee

Isabelle Michaux - Belgium
ICU Subspecialty Committee

Andrea Szekely - Hungary
Paediatric and Congenital Subspecialty Committee

Waheed Karzai - Germany
Thoracic Subspecialty Committee

Daniela Pasero - Italy
Transplant and VAD Subspecialty Committee

Miodrag Filipovic - Switzerland
Vascular Subspecialty Committee

Caetano Nigor Neto -Brazil
Cardiopulmonary Bypass Subspecialty Committee

Members of the Abstract Committee

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