Cardiothoracic and vascular surgery and interventional cardiology now offer more than ever an exploding/expanding arsenal of diagnostic and therapeutic modalities to a population with increasing morbidity challenging all involved medical subspecialties to offer the highest quality of care. It is clear that cardiovascular and thoracic anaesthesia and intensive care are undeniably essential.
However all this happens in a rapidly changing world where globalisation implies more than ever change with possibilities as well as constraints. Medical Associations like EACTA will have to reinvent their role as well as their methods in order to be able to fulfil their mission in education and research.
The Board of Directors has in September 2016 formulated a strategy for EACTA 2017-2022.
The Board of Directors has defined the EACTA Vision, Mission and four Thrusts:
VISION “To be the leading European Association for professionals working
in cardiothoracic and vascular anaesthesia, intensive care and perioperative
MISSION “To ensure excellence in health care by providing high quality
education, promoting research and encouraging teamwork”
Strategic Thrust 1: Strengthening the organisation
Strategic Thrust 2: Expanding learning and development opportunities
Strategic Thrust 3: Harnessing young talent within the EACTA membership
Strategic Thrust 4: Raising the profile of EACTA in the sector
Objectives/Goals/Aims, Measures and Strategies & Tactics will be defined
for each of the Thrusts. Committees and Subcommittees will be engaged in
the process.