Hands-On Training

The EACTA Hands-on training  "ECHO in Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine" offers a combination of pre-course e-learning  and hands-on training. Both are included in the fee.

Both parts will take place on September 14 and also on September 15.
License codes for the e-learning will be sent by EACTA at least four weeks in advance

Part 1*

Fundamentals of focus assessed transthoracic echo and vascular access

Session 1: Welcome, imaging, knobology and basic views

08.00-08.15 (15 min)

Welcome and introduction.

Highlights of imaging, knobology and basic “Focus Assessed Transthoracic Echo” (FATE) views (subcostal 4-chamber, apical 4-chamber, parasternal long and short axis, pleural)

08.15-09.15 (60 min)

Hands-on training (TTE on human models)

Session 2: Global ventricular function, M-mode, knobology

09.15-09.30 (15 min)

Highlights of global ventricular function (dimensions, contractility), M-mode, knobology.

09.30-10.30 (60 min)

Hands-on training



Session 3: Extended views, knobology

11.00-11.15 (15 min)

Highlights of extended views (subcostal vena cava, apical 2-chamber / 5-chamber / long axis, parasternal short axis mitral and aortic view), knobology

11.15-12.15 (60 min)

Hands-on training



Session 4: Clinical scenario training

13.15-14.45 (90 min)

Hands-on training based on evaluation of important cardiac pathology (dilatation of cardiac chambers, contractility, hypertrophy, pericardial effusion) including imaging on simulator  



Session 5: Vascular central and peripheral access, course evaluation

15.15-15.45 (30 min)

Application of echo in vascular access (central and peripheral)

15.45-16.45 (60 min)

Hands-on training (human models and phantoms)


Closing remarks and adjourn



Part 2*

Application of focus assessed transthoracic echo with Doppler, hemodynamics, major pathology and lung ultrasound

Session 1: Welcome, basic FATE and extended views

08.00-08.15 (15 min)

Welcome and introduction.

Highlights of basic FATE and extended views

08.15-09.15 (60 min)

Hands-on training (TTE on human models)

Session 2: Doppler knobology

09.15-09.30 (15 min)

Highlights of Doppler (colour Doppler, pulsed wave Doppler (PWD) and continuous wave Doppler (CWD)

09.30-10.30 (60 min)

Hands-on training



Session 3: Essential hemodynamics

11.00-11.15 (15 min)

Highlights of essential hemodynamics including pressure estimation, cardiac output, and basic diastology

11.15-12.15 (60 min)

Hands-on training



Session 4: Clinical scenario training

13.15-14.45 (90 min)

Hands-on training based on evaluation of important cardiac pathology (heart failure, volume overload, aortic stenosis, mitral regurgitation, pulmonary embolus)



Session 5: Lung ultrasound and course evaluation

15.15-15.45 (30 min)

Lung ultrasound: pleural effusion, lungconsolidation, and interventions

15.45-16.45 (60 min)

Hands-on training (human models and simulators)


Closing remarks and adjourn

Part 1 and Part 2 will be organized on both days and can be followed apart as well as together:

  • the maximum number of participants is 50 per day
    (max. 5 participants per workstation for optimal exposure to hands-on training)
  • registration is possible for either part 1 or part 2 per day until all available spots are fully booked

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