Presidential Newsletter – March 2017

Dear Colleagues,

First of all, I want to congratulate the Echo Subcommittee and Jörg Ender with a very successful Echo Course in Leipzig November 5-6, 2017. All lectures were streamed and it is a pleasure for me to announce that all EACTA members have free access to the lectures via the membership portal. This is the first initiative on expanding our educational platform and I will encourage you to log in frequently.
A successful transition of EACTA is dependent on an active membership. The membership is now open for renewal and I hope to see all present members as members also in 2017. I hope that many new members will join EACTA in 2017 and I will kindly ask all present members to be ambassadors for EACTA. I want all of you to take part in the evolution of EACTA by giving constructive feedback, present ideas/initiatives and consider joining one of the subcommittees.
The survey on fluid is now closed (unrestricted grant from Grifols to EACTA) and the results will be published early next year.
EACTA have been in troublesome water during 2016, but the year ends with hope for the future. The Board of Directors wish you a peaceful December and a Merry Christmas.

With Best Wishes
Bodil Steen Rasmussen



The 32nd Annual Congress is on
April 19 - 21 in Berlin, Germany.






EACTA membership is open to all
professionals interested in cardiothoracic
and vascular anaesthesia,
intensive care and perioperative
medicine. Open for renewal and for
new membership at our website.


Echo Course 2017 will take place
in University Hospital La Fe in Valencia
on September 30 - October 03


Article of the month is lead by the Social
Network Subcommittees is now well
established but we encourage ALL members,
to take active part of the discussion on the
Social media. We will soon launch a new
educational tool the “Echo Videoclip” lead
by the Echo Subcommittee on
the EACTA website
EACTA ECHO subspeciality
committee has developed a
universal TEE template for intraoperative
use in the operating room.
A big thanks to Dr. Chirojit Mukherjee
and ECHO SCC for their effort and
good work.


Download the Presidential Newsletter March 2017 here and hang it on your departments notice board.

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