Abstract Submission

The deadline for abstract submission has already ended on 2 June 2018. However, registration for the congress is still possible here.

Abstract Categories (Topics)
01 - Anaesthesia Techniques
02 - Intensive Care Medicine
03 - Cardiac Anaesthesia
04 - Cardiopulmonary Bypass
05 - Thoracic Anaesthesia & Surgery
06 - Vascular Anaesthesia & Surgery
07 - Transplantation
08 - Postoperative Care
09 - Organ Function & Protection
10 - Myocardial Protection
11 - Haemostasis
12 - Drugs & Fluids
13 - Evaluation of Methods & Techniques
14 - Monitoring
15 - Echocardiography
16 - Risk Factors & Outcome
17 - Quality Management
18 - Paediatric Anaesthesia
19 – Other

Abstract Evaluation Criteria
Each abstract will be assessed by reviewers, according to the following scoring grid:
- Scientific relevance
- Methodology
- Clear language - poor English will be sent out for revision

All accepted abstracts will be published in an abstract book which is a digital supplement to the Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia (JCVA).