EACTA Newsletter August 2014 - EACTA/ICCVA Final Programme Online
Dear EACTA members,
Dear colleagues and friends,
EACTA/ICCVA 2014 Florence, September 17-19, 2014
We are pleased to announce that the final programme for the annual congress in Florence is now available on the EACTA/ICCVA Website, check out on http://www.eactaiccva2014.org/web/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=43&Itemid=126
Trainee Course 2014 Florence, September 19, 2014
The EACTA Trainee course is an inaugural course that is tailor made specifically for anaesthesiology trainees who are specializing, or considering specializing, in cardiothoracic and vascular anaesthesia and critical care CTVA & CC.
This course is the first in a rolling series that are designed to deliver the theoretical knowledge that underpins the practice CTVA&CC over two years. Registration is still possible! Find out more about the course on http://www.eacta.org/congress-events/current-conference/eactaiccva-2014/trainee-course/
TEE exam, Vienna, December, 03-06, 2014
The next TEE exam will take place during the EuroEcho-Imaging Congress, 2014 at the Messe Wien Exhibition & Congress Centre. http://www.escardio.org/communities/EACVI/accreditation/echocardiography/TEE/Pages/welcome.aspx
EACTA eAcademy platform/Webshop online
Have you already visited the EACTA eAcademy platform on https://esociety.netkey.at/eacta/vproduct/ - designed for everybody worldwide with an interest in CTVA & CC (internet access required). For more information please visit http://www.eacta.org/education/eacademy/
The range of eLearning products currently comprises of
Other upcoming events for your interest
… and many more – for more information please refer to EACTA’s calendar of events http://www.eacta.org/congress-events/calendar-of-events/
EACTA on Social Media
Have you already taken the possibility to get in contact with EACTA via social media channels? Follow us on Twitter (#EACTA), engage with us on LinkedIn or like us on Facebook!
We hope that you will join us in all these EACTA activities and look forward to seeing you in Florence in some weeks’ time!
sent by: Sonja Niederkofler, MA
Association Management
European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiologists (EACTA)
c/o vereint: Association & Conference Management Ltd.
Hollandstrasse 14 / Mezzanine
1020 Vienna, Austria
Tel : +43-1-533 35 42
Fax: +43-1-533 35 42 - 59
URL: www.eacta.org
EACTA – ICCVA 2014 Florence: September 17-19, 2014
organised by Anna Grossi, Easy Congress Srl
EACTA – Annual Congress 2014 Gothenburg: June, 24-25, 2015