By the Cardiopulmonary Bypass Committee
Title: Cardiac protection with phosphocreatine: a meta-analysis.
Published: 17th June 2016
Authors: Landoni G, Zangrillo A, Lomivorotov VV, Likhvantsev V, Ma J, De Simone F, Fominskiy E.
Study description and main objective:
This meta-analysis, including 41 studies with 5069 patients, investigates whether administration of Phosphocreatine in patients with coronary artery disease, chronic heart failure or in those undergoing cardiac surgery has an effect on all-cause short-term (in-hospital) mortality?
This research question is based on the assumption that Phosphocreatine is an intracellular key player supporting myocardial contractility.
Main findings:
This meta-analysis is the largest and the first to suggest that treatment with Phosphocreatine in patients with acute and chronic cardiac pathologies, including patients undergoing cardiac surgery, has the potential to reduce in-hospital all-cause mortality.
In addition other cardiovascular relevant outcome variables, including left ventricular ejection fraction, myocardial ischaemic serum markers, major arrhythmias and inotrope use were improved in patients treated with Phosphocreatine.
Clinical impact and questions: