EACTA NL March 2013

Dear Members of EACTA,

For our association, the EACTA Annual Meeting is the highlight of the year. As in previous years, continuing medical education, scientific exchange, networking and cultivating friendships will be the principle motivations for us to travel to Barcelona in early June this year. However, this year, I also invite you to think and discuss how we should advance of EACTA as an organisation to the benefit of the members.

The Directory Board (DB) has revised the EACTA Bylaws and will propose several changes to the Representative Council at the meeting in Barcelona. One proposed change is a slightly higher representation of countries with larger memberships, in the Representative Council. Other modifications should strengthen the EACTA Committees (frequently called ‘Subcommittees’) in order to boost the activities of EACTA throughout the year to benefit us all. If you are interested in working on one of these Committees (www.eacta.org/page-01-01.shtml), please contact the Chair of the Committee or a DB member.

In addition, I invite you to let us know how you think EACTA should develop further. Please address any member of the DB in Barcelona or better still, email the DB () before the Annual EACTA Meeting with your suggestions and ideas. In addition, the DB will undertake a survey of members to learn in a more systematic way, about your expectations from EACTA, and how you would like to contribute to EACTA. We thank the Italian Representative Dr. Giovanni Landoni for having agreed to take the lead in this survey project.

The General Assembly will take place on Friday, June 7th, 2013, at 12h30. Please join us at the General Assembly in Room 1 of the Barcelona venue in order to get the latest information about the decisions of the Representative Council, to learn about new ideas and plans for EACTA’s future, and to become more involved in our association! I look forward to meeting you all in Barcelona in June.

Manfred Seeberger,

Scientific Committee

This year seven applicants for the EACTA Research Grant were submitted and the quality of each of the applications was exceptional. The Scientific Committee carefully reviewed all the applications and three got the highest with little between their scores. By the final decision of the Directory Board, three of the applications were awarded grants.As the Directory Board increased the total amount of grant money from €30.000 to €45,000, each of the three applicants were given €15,000. We will follow the studies progression for the next year with interest and await a report of their research at the next EACTA meeting in September 2014.

Research Projects Awarded Grants

  1. The effect of cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass on the formation of microparticles by David Smith, MD, Consultant and senior Lecturer, Southampton General Hospital, UK

    The primary objective of this study is to characterise platelet microparticles produced during cardiac surgery in terms of their numbers and protein expression on their surface, how these change during and after surgery, and how they are affected by antiplatelet agents. The secondary objectives are to investigate whether there is a relationship between the number/type of microparticles produced during cardiac surgery, and the extent of postoperative bleeding.

  2. Effects of experimentally-induced right ventricular afterload mismatch on right ventricular diastolic function by Michael Vandenheuvel, MD, University Hospital Ghent, Belgium

    The aim of this study is to clarify the interaction between loading conditions, myocardial relaxation and diastolic function of the right ventricle (RV). To identify how acute changes in afterload (by staged clamping of the pulmonary artery) affects contraction-relaxation coupling in the RV. The hypothesis is that the RV experimentally induced afterload mismatch will impair RV contractile function but will only result in a rightward shift of the end-diastolic pressure-volume relationship without the upward shift (decreased compliance) observed in the LV. A better understanding of the pathophysiological alterations in RV systolic and diastolic function occurring with acute afterload mismatch might be helpful in designing therapeutic strategies in patients suffering from RV failure.

  3. Impact of Connexin43 induced cardioprotection via mKCa channel - therapeutic option in senescent hearts? By Marianne de Schmidt, MD, University Hospital Düsseldorf, Germany

    The aim of this study is to investigate whether activation of Connexin43 induces cardioprotection by opening of mKCa channels, and initiates cardioprotection in senescent hearts.


The Cardiothoracic Fellowship Programme in Basel, Switzerland has received has be recognised by EACTA after being approved by the Scientific Committee.

Membership Surveys

Two surveys of EACTA members have been undertaken. The first one initiated by the Thoracic Subcommittee and the second one involved the Coagulation Subcommittee.


One study ‘Volatile anesthetics to reduce mortality in cardiac surgery’ by Dr. Giovanni Landoni, Italy have received endorsement from EACTA after being evaluated by the Scientific Committee.

Scientific Abstracts for the Annual Meeting

The deadline for submission of an abstracts for the EACTA meeting in Barcelona was January 20. A total of 168 abstracts were submitted. After reviewing all the abstracts the Scientific Committee 80% of the abstracts have been accepted. All authors have been notified. Within the next week, it will be decided whether the accepted abstracts will be presented as orals or as posters. All abstracts will be published in the Journal of Applied Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology.

Aalborg, March 7, 2013
Bodil Steen Rasmussen,
Scientific Secretary

EACTA Echo 2013, Montpellier France

This years Echo Meeting will be held in the wonderful ancient city of Montpellier from the 7-10th September 2013. The meeting will have its standard three course format basic, advanced and certification. To find out more click this link to access the meeting pages (http://www.eacta.org/page-15-01.shtml).


Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiologists (EACTA) and in collaboration with the Society of Cardiovascular Anaesthesiologists (SCA) it is a pleasure and a privilege to invite you to the 28th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiologists which will take place in the International Convention Centre (ICCB), Barcelona from June 6th - 8th, 2013.

The main theme of the Congress is "New Technologies: Better Outcome?". Innovations in technology for anaesthesia and critical care medicine have a great impact. The success or failure of new technologies depends on how the use of a device influences physician cognitive processes and the team activity, the aim of which is to achieve better outcomes.

With 26 round tables and pro/con debates with experts; 10 invited lectures linked with the oral sessions; 4 workshops, 5 meet the expert breakfasts, EACTA 2013 will offer an excellent platform to realise how new technologies influences not only outcome but the future of the cardiovascular anaesthesia and intensive care. Streaming during the meeting will avoid that you to lose simultaneous activities.

We are confident that our programme will tempt you to the cool city of Barcelona.

Join us at this EACTA Barcelona 2013 and enjoy what promises to be a progressive and thought-provoking professional and educational experience!

Looking forward to seeing you in Barcelona,

Hector Litvan, MD, PhD Juan Manuel Campos, MD
Joint Chairman EACTA Barcelona 2013