Dear colleagues,
The first year of my presidency has passed and it is time for reflection. The Board of Directors (BoD) have worked on a 5-year strategy and the paper will soon be launched on the EACTA website. The focus is to engage EACTA members in the strategy, to attract new members and increase the visibility of the EACTA society globally.
The 32nd EACTA Annual Congress in Berlin was a great success with more than 800 delegates. Invited speakers, presenters of the accepted abstracts and a variety of workshops excellently covered the theme of the four Cs: ‘Comprehensive Cardiovascular Cardiothoracic Care (C4)’. I want to thank the local organisers Matthias Heringlake and Joachim Erb and their staff for creating such a superb annual meeting in collaboration with the EACTA Congress Chair Donna Greenhalgh and the subcommittees.
Click here to read the full Presidential letter from June 2017.