New EACTA representative of Turkey
EACTA welcomes the new Turkish EACTA representative from 2000, Prof. Dr. Zuhal AYKAÇ. She is chief of Anaesthesiology at Siyami Ersek Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Center and was elected as EACTA national representative 2000. She has been working in CT Anaesthesia for 13 years and she is well known as a frequent visitor and contributor at EACTA meetings.
New Representative Council member from Austria
Michael Hiesmayer from AKH in Vienna has been elected new Austrian representative in the Council. Professor Hiesmayr is well known in EACTA from many of the previous meetings. EACTA welcomes him as he replaces Wolfram Haider.
Professor Wolfram Haider resigns as EACTA representative after having represented Austria since the beginning of EACTA.. He organized the very successful meeting in Vienna in 1990 where he introduced EACTA’90 as the name for the congress. EACTA is grateful for his longlasting support and his active participation over all the years. Wolfram runs an active clinical department at AKH in Vienna. He has been an ardent promotor for the need for cardiothoracic and vascular anaesthesia units in the hospitals. Together with his co-workers he has set up data systems for running anaesthesia and intensive care which is well worth a visit. His department is to be visited at the extensive website: